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Power of Language

Blog Post

Since entering the competition we as a team have worked well together. We have brain-stormed together and are finally coming close to an idea for an app. While brain-storming we all called out ideas and in a constructive manner everyone offered opinions or enhancements to the suggested idea. This helped us to identify weaknesses in some ideas and improve others. As a result, we have a solid plan for a language app. By brain-storming together we have done our best to eliminate any potential pitfalls in our app. We know that there will be challenges with our app as we progress but we are all on-hand and willing to work together as a team to iron out any problems we find.
We have put aside one hour before school on Monday mornings to work on the app. We took some time to choose a time that suits everyone and now believe that we have carefully selected a time that works for everyone as we are all committed to the early morning time slot. We have been given permission by our school to come in early and our teacher very kindly agreed to be there to help us if we need it.
Two girls on our team have very kindly volunteered their laptops for this project. They very selflessly agreed to transport their laptops on the bus to school on Monday mornings for the benefit of the team. Other girls on the team who weren't allowed use their family laptops volunteered cases for the laptops to ensure the laptops stay safe.
All the girls who are working on building the app have downloaded the MIT inventor 2 app on their phones. We have looked up many tutorials online and have been trying out different ways of doing things such as using first person vs third person on the app. Then we in turn show the different versions to the whole group and we discuss the pros and cons of each way and come to a consensus. We work together to find out what works best for us and for the app.
Our project manager has been working hard on producing a business plan to present to the competition in the coming weeks. She updates us regularly and we all have an opportunity to contribute the business plan. We all ensure that she gets all the help that she needs and we are always encouraging her with the plan.
The girls on the marketing side of things are working on surveys to give to our target market - students like ourselves. Their feedback will allow us to improve on our app to make it the best that it can be. On the marketing team we will show our feedback to the project manager and also to the girls working on the technology of the app and we will work with them to make changes and enhancements.
So, while we are only at the early stages of our app we have established a very good team dynamic and are working very well together to maximise everyone's talents and to build the best app we can.
Thanks for reading …
The Power of Language team.

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